Saturday, June 20, 2009

Embassy Listing

I've been collecting the embassies that are alleged to be accepting wounded from Tehran off of twitter reports. Below is a list of addresses and phone numbers for those embassies; the addresses have been checked off of websites rather than relying purely on twitter reports.

Justin and I tried calling the embassies to confirm that they were indeed taking wounded but the international circuits are rammed.

I believe this list to be more accurate than the one I submitted to HuffPo but it's tough to tell. If you have any additional confirmations, please post them and tweet them!

Ireland - North Kamranieh Avenue Bonbast Nahid Street, No. 8 19369 - (98 21)-22 80 38 35

Australia - No. 13, 23rd Street Khalid Islambuli Ave Tehran 15138 - (98 21) 88 72 44 56

Finland - Elahiyeh, Agha Bozorgi St Shirin Alley no.4 P.O.Box 19395-1733 - (98-21) 22 20 70 90; 22 23 09 79

Finland (Alternate) No. 2, Haddadian St., Mirzapour St. (former Soheil St.), Dr. Shariati Ave. Tehran 19336

Germany - Ferdowsi Ave., No 320-324, Teheran - (0098 21) 39 99 00 00

Belgium - Elahieh - 155-157 Shahid Fayyazi Avenue (Fereshteh) 16778 Teheran - (98) (21) 22 04 16 17

Canada - 57 Shahid Javad-e-Sarfaraz, Ostad-Motahari Avenue 15868 Tehran, Iran - (98 21) 81 52 00 00

Netherlands - Darrous, Shahrzad Blvd Kamasaie Street, First East Lane No. 33 - 98 (0) 21 .22 56 70 05 / 22 56 70 07

Norway - No. 201 Dr. Lavasani St. (Ex. Farmanieh St.) Corner of Sonbol St. Tehran, Iran - (0098 21) 22 29 13 33

Italy - 81, Ave. Neuphle le Chateau - 98 21 672 6955

Slovenian Republic - No 30, Narenjestan 8th Alleym, Pasdaran Avenue PO Box 19576 19575-459 - (98-21) 280- 2223

United Kingdon - 198 Ferdowsi Avenue - (98) (21) 64 05 20 00

Switzerland - Elahieh Ave. Sharifimanesh Yasaman Street No. 2 P.O. Box 19395-4683 19649 Tehran - 98 (0)21 22 00 83 33

Austria - Bahonarstr., Moghaddasistr., Zamanistr Mirvali 11, Teheran - (+98/21) 22 75 00-38

Monday, June 1, 2009

Pop Quiz!

Read the following two news reports carefully.

There will be a test question at the end.

A) A few days ago, an Islamic fundamentalist shot and killed a prominent pro-Israel leader in his own synagogue. The fundamentalist had been harassing this leading figure of the pro-Israel community for decades, and belonged to an organization that regularly decried him as a "mass murderer" who would receive a punishment from God.

B) A few days ago, an Christian fundamentalist shot and killed a prominent pro-abortion leader in his own church. The fundamentalist had been harassing this leading figure of the pro-abortion community for decades, and belonged to an organization that regularly decried him as a "mass murderer" who would receive a punishment from God.

Question: which fundamentalist is a terrorist?

A Only
B Only
Both A & B
Neither A nor B

As usual, there is about 20% of the American population who manages to get this question tragically, painfully wrong.

I don't have the arrogance required to tell you what God wants you to do about abortion or anything else, but I can damn well tell you that advocating murder makes a mockery of the words "pro-life."

THIS is why I'm so fervently opposed to the Republican party. These people are their base. It's no longer a matter of differing opinions - the intellectual conservatives long ago bailed on the Republicans, and the few that remain are being pushed out by the Limbaugh crowd. These people think murder is acceptable as long as they do it for a good cause. How is that not fucking terrorism?

Just wait - in a few more months we'll get to hear these same idiots complaining about the "war on Christmas" because some radio station somewhere won't play Christmas music 24/7 or because some school board will insist on teaching a science class with, you know, ACTUAL SCIENCE. You know what's different about our made-up little war on your made-up little holiday? We're not fucking killing anybody.

Is it too much to ask for Christians who act Christ-like?