I've been collecting the embassies that are alleged to be accepting wounded from Tehran off of twitter reports. Below is a list of addresses and phone numbers for those embassies; the addresses have been checked off of websites rather than relying purely on twitter reports.
Justin and I tried calling the embassies to confirm that they were indeed taking wounded but the international circuits are rammed.
I believe this list to be more accurate than the one I submitted to HuffPo but it's tough to tell. If you have any additional confirmations, please post them and tweet them!
Ireland - North Kamranieh Avenue Bonbast Nahid Street, No. 8 19369 - (98 21)-22 80 38 35
Australia - No. 13, 23rd Street Khalid Islambuli Ave Tehran 15138 - (98 21) 88 72 44 56
Finland - Elahiyeh, Agha Bozorgi St Shirin Alley no.4 P.O.Box 19395-1733 - (98-21) 22 20 70 90; 22 23 09 79
Finland (Alternate) No. 2, Haddadian St., Mirzapour St. (former Soheil St.), Dr. Shariati Ave. Tehran 19336
Germany - Ferdowsi Ave., No 320-324, Teheran - (0098 21) 39 99 00 00
Belgium - Elahieh - 155-157 Shahid Fayyazi Avenue (Fereshteh) 16778 Teheran - (98) (21) 22 04 16 17
Canada - 57 Shahid Javad-e-Sarfaraz, Ostad-Motahari Avenue 15868 Tehran, Iran - (98 21) 81 52 00 00
Netherlands - Darrous, Shahrzad Blvd Kamasaie Street, First East Lane No. 33 - 98 (0) 21 .22 56 70 05 / 22 56 70 07
Norway - No. 201 Dr. Lavasani St. (Ex. Farmanieh St.) Corner of Sonbol St. Tehran, Iran - (0098 21) 22 29 13 33
Italy - 81, Ave. Neuphle le Chateau - 98 21 672 6955
Slovenian Republic - No 30, Narenjestan 8th Alleym, Pasdaran Avenue PO Box 19576 19575-459 - (98-21) 280- 2223
United Kingdon - 198 Ferdowsi Avenue - (98) (21) 64 05 20 00
Switzerland - Elahieh Ave. Sharifimanesh Yasaman Street No. 2 P.O. Box 19395-4683 19649 Tehran - 98 (0)21 22 00 83 33
Austria - Bahonarstr., Moghaddasistr., Zamanistr Mirvali 11, Teheran - (+98/21) 22 75 00-38
Tuesday Night Playlist: Canadian Metal Is Canadian.
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10 years ago